The Top 5 Most Effective Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

The Top 5 Most Effective Yoga Poses for Weight Loss - Hi Guys Weight Loss Tips, In sharing how to lose weight this time entitled The Top 5 Most Effective Yoga Poses for Weight Loss, I have provided some way complete with guides and how to do it. hopefully the content of posts several ways to lose weight that I can write you understand. Okay , here's the article.

the title of the article : The Top 5 Most Effective Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

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The Top 5 Most Effective Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Yoga has thousands of different asanas (poses) that are designed to stretch and strengthen different parts of the body. By regularly performing yoga poses for weight loss, you can be sure that you're slimming down the healthy way!

The Top 5 Most Effective #Yoga Poses for #WeightLoss

Here are 5 of the best yoga poses for weight loss you can try:

1. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Although a little complicated for a first time yogi, the Bow Pose can be perfected through practice. It effectively burns fat while toning your abdominal area as well as your arms and legs.

How to do it:

Start by lying down on your stomach. Slowly bend your knees then reach back to grab your feet. Try to raise your upper body while extending your feet upward. Keep your shoulder blades relaxed. Hold this pose for 8-10 breaths then relax.

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss - Bow Pose

2. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

This basic pose is one of the easiest yoga poses for weight loss. It is designed to tone the abdominal muscles and firm the buttocks.

How to do it:

Start by lying face down with the tops of your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands under your shoulders while pressing your hips and legs down. Slowly lift your upper body and head away from the mat. Keep your shoulders back and your gaze upwards. Stay in this position for 4-5 deep breaths before releasing to exhale.

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss - Cobra Pose

3. Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana I)

The Warrior I is an important pose to learn when you're doing yoga for weight loss. It helps tone the abdominal, arm and thigh muscles. According to experts, the pose has more effects on weight loss when performed as part of a sequence.

How to do it:

Start by standing straight with your feet about 4-5 steps apart. Slowly rotate both your feet and torso towards the left. Keeping your right leg straight, slowly bend your left knee over your toes. Then raise your arms above your head in prayer position before raising your head to gaze at your hands. Hold for several breaths before going back to the starting position.

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss - Warrior I Pose

4. Wind-Releasing Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

This easy yoga for weight loss pose focuses on toning and strengthening your abdominal area.

How to do it:

Lying down on the floor, slowly bring your knees to your chest while keeping your ankles together. Raise your head away from the mat while clasping your arms over your knees. Take 4-5 deep breaths before relaxing.

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss - Wind-Releasing Pose

5. Side Stretch Pose (Parsvottanasana)

Again one of the easiest yoga poses for weight loss, the Side Stretch is effective in burning calories and raising your heart rate.

How to do it:

Start this position with your feet wide apart. Turn both your torso and feet to the right. Hinge your upper body over your right leg until it's parallel to the floor then reach your hands to the ground. With every exhale, move your torso closer to your right thigh. Hold for several breaths, relax, then repeat in the opposite direction.

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss - Side Stretch Pose

Turning to yoga for weight loss will not only help you slim down, but will also improve your balance and flexibility.

Yoga Burn

Michelle Nicole is an avid fan of the healthy lifestyle. Yoga is her passion and she shared her love for the discipline through her book Yoga for Beginners. If you'd like to learn more yoga beginner's tips and other helpful info from Michelle Nicole, her book is also available in kindle edition.

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